ILM and Harley Riders in Beijing, China

ILM and Harley Riders in Beijing, China

Posted by OperationILM on

1.ILM and Harley Riders

The Harley Owners Group was created in 1983 as a way to build longer-lasting and stronger relationships with Harley-Davidson's customers. Since the first H.O.G. Harley Owners Club in China was established in Beijing in 2006, there have been many clubs in China, and it continues to expand its territory. Today, the Harley spirit continues to spread in China. ILM, as an international brand specializing in helmets and riding products, pays close attention to riding activities around the world. ILM is honored to have some riders choose our helmets for the 16th anniversary Harley Owners Meeting in Beijing!

2.ILM Helmet and Harley

This time, ILM meets Harley own